AI Trends: Search Engine for X, ChatGPT for Document, Generative AI

Zoe Chew
6 min readApr 24, 2024


Note: This Venturescale Trends report is part of the Startup Ideas & Trends Library, which covers topics such as 🤖AI SaaS, ✍️Creator Economy, 🔵Web3 Startups, and the 🚀Unbundling of the Internet.

Disclaimer: All content provided is not intended to be, and should not be taken as, financial or startup investment advice. Please conduct your own research before making any major financial decisions on any of the companies mentioned in this content.

Section 1: Key Market Trends

(1) AI is boosting enterprise search:

  • AI is breaking down the knowledge silos by enabling teams to quickly search and retrieve relevant documents with the help of natural language processing (NLP). Work is becoming more semantically-enabled and meaning-based, rather than relying on exact keyword matches.
  • Microsoft 365 Copilot helps users find information and resources within Microsoft 365 more efficiently.
  • Hebbia creates instant expert search engines that can index any type of document, including scanned PDFs, PowerPoints, spreadsheets, and transcripts, for quick and accurate answers to complex questions.
  • Glean uses contextual language training to enhance search accuracy for all your organizational documents.
  • Elastic is offering AI search solutions for database search, ecommerce, customer support, workplace content, and more.
  • Nuclia’s AI search engine can extract answers from any text, documents and video.

(2) Generative AI for developers:

  • Generative AI is being used to boost developer’s productivity. Developers can now automate the process of creating code or technical documentation without having to write it manually.
  • Tabnine uses generative AI technology to predict and suggest your next lines of code based on context & syntax.
  • Code Snippets AI uses AI to make coding more efficient by generating code snippets, allowing developers to focus on building applications and delivering results faster.
  • Refraction generates unit tests, documentation, and refactor code automatically with AI.
  • Mintlify is an AI-powered documentation writer.
  • Theneo is a Notion-like editor that writes API tech documentation in seconds.

(3) AI is automating meeting tasks:

  • AI is changing the way people plan their meetings, enabling them to automate the scheduling process and optimize their time. These intelligent tools use machine learning algorithms to analyze calendars, suggest available meeting times, and reduce the need for manual coordination.
  • Clockwise uses AI to help your organizations and teams in optimizing meetings and reducing time conflicts.
  • Reclaim uses AI to help you schedule and prioritize your tasks, meetings, and events, while also blocking off focus time for deep work.
  • Motion is an AI meeting assistant that free you up from sending back-and-forth meeting scheduling emails.
  • Clara is an AI-powered email assistant that schedules, prioritizes, and manages your inbox, enabling individuals and teams to focus on higher-value work.
  • Sidekick’s AI-powered sales assistants help sales teams automate their outreach, book more meetings, and close more deals.


(🔒 FULL ACCESS) +4 more key trends in the AI space, backed by real company examples:

🔑 (5/8) Future of AI for productivity (6 examples)

🔑 (6/8) Verticalization of AI SaaS (5 examples)

🔑 (7/8) Building the ChatGPT for “X” (6 examples)

🔑 (8/8) Niche AI Assistants software and opportunities (6 examples)

Section 2: Market Players & Company Databases

(🔒 FULL ACCESS) View the full database:

  • 🏢 Total 108 market players.
  • 📍 Total 10 niche segments.
  • 🗃 Data points: value proposition, website, stage, total funding raised, year founded, company size, location and LinkedIn.
  • 🌟 Feature: Find similar competitors in your niche. Easily sort, filter and search through the database.

Section 3: Problems and Market Needs

(1) Inefficient file search:

  • In organizations, employees spend an average of 2.5 hours per week searching for online documents. This inefficiency results in lost productivity and wasted time that could have been spent on more important tasks.
  • AI file search improves document findability by analyzing the contents of documents and matching them with user queries, making it easier to find the right document at the right time.
  • Lucidworks connects to your files in SharePoint, Box, Google Drive, and Slack to surface important documents at work.
  • GoLinks helps teams find important documents with a type of a short link command.
  • BA Insight is developing an enterprise AI web search tool that unifies knowledge in a searchable environment.
  • Yext is developing intranet enterprise search solutions, also known as a “answering platform” for employees.

(🔒 FULL ACCESS) +4 more insights to validate market needs:

🔑 (2/5) Monetize by “datafication of AI” (6 examples)

🔑 (3/5) Monetize by creating AI automation software (5 examples)

🔑 (4/5) Monetize by solving due diligence tasks (5 examples)

🔑 (5/5) Monetize by optimizing sales process (5 examples)

Section 4: Startup Ideas & Opportunities

(1) Generative-AI-As-A-Service:

  • Building and training custom AI models can be a complex and expensive process. This presents a massive opportunity for startups to create generative APIs that businesses can integrate into their existing workflows to create innovative new solutions.
  • Scale AI is a generative AI platform designed for enterprise data.
  • OpenAI offers a general-purpose API for accessing its AI models.
  • One AI provides businesses with a powerful API that allows them to process text, audio, and video using cutting-edge language AI.
  • Jasper API allows businesses to bring the power of generative AI directly into their own platform.

(2) Capitalize on Slack apps:

  • With the number of Slack users on the rise, the market potential for niche Slack apps is huge as companies seek to improve communication and productivity through specialized solutions.
  • is a meeting scheduling app that integrates with Slack.
  • Quip automatically adds documents, spreadsheets, and task lists to your Slack channels.
  • Standuply automates Agile and HR processes in Slack/Microsoft Teams.
  • TimeBot easily manages time off requests, holidays, vacations & sick leaves right from Slack.
  • Bloomfire brings important team documents and knowledge sharing to the surface in Slack.
  • Harvest is a time-tracking software designed for businesses to monitor project progress, manage budgets, and streamline project management.

(3) Operating system for the future of work:

  • The shift towards hybrid remote work has created a need for new software that can connect members across physical and virtual locations. Startups that create an operating system for co-working businesses and provide an all-in-one solution that simplifies operations for co-working businesses.
  • Andcards provides tools to streamline coworking space operations, facilitate flexible membership management, and enhance community engagement.
  • Optix simplifies the process of managing multiple locations for members while integrating with popular no-code tools.
  • Nexudus is a platform that offers white-label solutions for managing coworking and flexible workspaces.
  • Coworkify automates the entire process of issuing invoices and collecting payments.
  • Deskworks help you build a profitable and sustainable coworking space.


(🔒 FULL ACCESS) +5 more startup ideas & opportunities:

🔑 (4/8) The next-generation AI No-Code Builder (5 examples)

🔑 (5/8) Capitalize on the micro-SaaS AI economy (6 examples)

🔑 (6/8) Capitalize on the Ecommerce AI SaaS market (6 examples)

🔑 (7/8) Future of conversational AI software ideas (6 examples)

🔑 (8/8) Niche AI software ideas and solutions (4 examples)

Section 5: Product Strategy & Recommendation

(1) Identify niche AI-based no-code solutions:

  • Focus on the Shopify ecosystem: Make ecommerce plugins for Shopify sellers. Octane AI and Gobot, for example, use AI guided shopping quizzes to help customers find the right products.
  • Focus on the app store ecosystem: Leverage Apps Store or Google Play app marketplace. Appy Pie and Builder, an AI-powered no-code app builder that enables users to create and publish mobile apps without requiring coding knowledge.
  • Focus on the Slack app ecosystem: Solutions that integrate with Slack such as ZenoChat can help users summarize conversations in Slack channels.
  • Focus on the Chrome app ecosystem: finds verified cell phones, emails, and direct dials for anyone you need to sell to.


(🔒 FULL ACCESS) +4 more actionable ideas and recommendations:

🔑 (2/5) 4 tactics to differentiate your AI software business (+6 platforms)

🔑 (3/5) 4 tactics to create initial prototype for AI software (+6 tools)

🔑 (4/5) 4 tactics for AI marketplace business(+4 tools)

🔑 (5/5) 3 channels to drive sales for AI software (+3 tools)

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Zoe Chew

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